The Complete Guide to Menstruating Outside

The Complete Guide to Menstruating Outside

No matter how much time you spend in the outdoors, menstruating outdoors or in the backcountry can pose real issues. As brands focused in period care and the outdoors, SheFly and Viv are partnering to bring you everything you need to know on how to safely, responsibly, and sustainably adventure while menstruating. Periods are a biological process that don't have to limit your time spent outside!
Decide what period care is best for you - (do you want to bring, tampons, pads, or a menstrual cup) Organize your Outdoors Period Survival Kit- (create a “period kit” with all your essentials)  Follow LNT rules (know how to dispose properly of your period care products and waste)Tampons + Pads If you usually use tampons and pads in an active setting, these are a great option. 
Cleaning your cup on trail: If you’re worried about getting your hands dirty, plastic gloves are a great option to pack. Once you remove your cup, and put the blood into a cat hole or container, swish water in the cup and pour it out into the cat hole or container. You can use tissue or micro degradable wipe to further clean it.  If you’re at camp and have an extra pot, you can boil your cup or use Viv’s period wash in a cat hole to clean the cup even more.  Pro tip - Don’t use hand sanitizer to clean the cup because it’s not good for the cup long term.

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