Happy National Trail Mix Day!
Yes, it’s a real holiday. Any outdoor enthusiast knows that the best adventures are fueled by trail mix. It’s sweet and salty, requires zero cooking skills, and is 100% customizable. What’s not to love?
We know you’re all familiar with G.O.R.P. (good ol’ raisins and peanuts), but here at SheFly, we like to get funky with our mix. Here are 5 unique recipes that are guaranteed to make your trail friends jealous.
Note: We won’t be providing measurements because there are no rules in the trail mix world and we trust your judgement.
Chunky Monkey Mix
- Dried banana chips
- Milk or dark chocolate covered peanut
- Roasted cashews
- Yogurt covered dried cranberries
- Dried pineapple chunks
- Unsweetened coconut strips
VT-inspired Maple Mix
- Ground cinnamon
- Pecans
- Almonds
- Raisins or chopped dates
- Cranberries
- Sunflower seeds
- Chocolate covered peanuts
- Maple syrup
**This recipe calls for 2 hours of baking time, but we know you’re eager to get out exploring. Instead, we suggest mixing all the dry ingredients in a bag and bringing along your favorite maple syrup to squeeze directly into your mouth.
Sweet and Spicy Mix
- Wasabi peas
- Dried sweetened cranberries
- Peanuts
- Cashews
- Milk or dark chocolate chips
- Paprika
- Corn nuts
- Chex mix
Nut Free Mix
- Sunflower seeds
- Pumpkin seeds
- Raisins
- Dried cherries
- Dried apricots
- Dark chocolate chips
- Chia seeds
- Dried apples
SheFly Special Trail Mix (satisfaction not guaranteed)
- Cacao nibs (for energy to take on the world
- Vagina-shaped gummies (yes, they exist)
- Lemon drops (because you are a ray of sunshine)
- Freeze dried cheese crisps (these caused a heated debate amongst our team members, please let us know if you actually try them)
- A side of hydration to initiate need to use SheFlys
Our team estimates that you can fit 5 bags of any of these trail mixes in your SheFly hiking pants (one in every pocket), but if that’s not your style, we’ve got some new ways to serve your mix.
- On a bagel with your favorite spread (nut butter, chocolate spread, etc.) - everything but the bagel? More like everything ON the [gluten-free if you need it] bagel!
- In your morning oatmeal/overnight oats!
- Mixed into cookie dough, because everything can be turned into a cookie… right?
- As an ice cream topping
- As an hors d’oeuvre at the next fancy dinner party you host
- As ammo to throw on the next man who catcalls you